How to build your personal brand or business brand in the market?

How to build your personal brand in the market?

  • 4 mins read

How to build your personal brand in the market?

Self-branding is a process of branding yourself. For self-branding, you should focus on creating contents of your interest and should post on social media such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other popular platforms. These contents will help you in getting exposure to people when they find value in your content. After a few months or a year, you start to get many opportunities from the same friend list and connections that you have established on social media.

To get a job in an easy manner, you must have your self-brand in the market. You must have carried some greater skills and value within you.

To showcase your value, you need to have a strong resume. For strong resume, it should contain more contents and work experience.

As a student, you can gain work experience and knowledge through internships and online courses. I recommend, do certification courses because it can be attached in file with other certificates.

In general, every people go and search jobs. But few people’s work for creating self-brand and along with that they search a job. Since people who had spent time creating their self-brand in market are likely to get a job because people already know them.

You can create content by writing a blog and making videos on topics related to your expertise. You need to have consistent and regular in posting your contents on social media.

You have to make a friend circle of those high position people where you want to see yourself in the future.

Sometimes people show anger on social media. This is OK for a few times but not many times. It will create a negative image of your personality.

Get in touch with friends who are involved in media, news channel, YouTube and blogging. These friends will help you in promoting you and your content. This will catch the eagle eye of people on you and about your service. Your chances of getting any opportunity will increase to higher extent.

Self-branding creates an impression in people. If you have a good impression among peoples, you are likely to be recognized at most places about your work and services you provide to them.

Dressing sense is very important while doing self-branding. It is important to dress according to the occasion.

While presenting yourself anywhere, you must have to speak with a balanced weight. After speaking, it is good to walk away. It will let opposite people to enjoy their own environment.

It is not important to talk to group of people who don’t like your speech.

It is very important to know who is in front of you, and what you have to speak. Don’t speak to unknown people unless it is important.

If you are engineer, follow engineers. If you are banker, follow bankers. This will help you to get in touch with them. You will get a chance to grab many opportunities in the meantime. Do comments on their posts, make them feel good. Help them if you can. This will help you become a top contributor to them. And they will notice you.

The process of self-branding takes time, but it will help in the long run time.

It takes at least 3 to 4 months for self-branding.

Self-branding can speed up if you increase your effort in creating and posting content. If you are posting single content per week, change it to 3 contents per week.

If you want to be recognized as a mechanical engineer, create contents based upon mechanical engineering and post it. After a few months, people may start recognizing that you are a mechanical engineer and you provide this that valuable contents related to mechanical engineering topics.

Similarly, if you are a motivational speaker, make videos related to motivation. If you are a business person, then create content based on your business. Soon or later you all will be recognized among peoples; if you have provided valuable content or service to them.

There is a saying!!

“Good habit takes time, but will be worthier for a lifetime”

“Bad habit takes no time, but will be danger for a lifetime”

So, start creating your “Self Brand” from today onward.

You provide value; people provide attention and growth to you.

Thanks for reading!!

Motivational Speaker:

Mr. Shaurab Lohani

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Facebook live video on, 2020/04/22, 3:00 Pm

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